Dead Trigger 2 – Release Date Just Around The Corner

Halloween approaches and in case you’re looking for a few games to match this time of the year, why not pick a zombie game? Myself, I’ve tried to go through Amnesia: The Dark Descent on PC every Halloween since the game launched, but I completely fail to reach the end of the game every time I try, due to fearing a heart attack. So, this year I might actually pick up a mobile game that’s a different type of horror, but still goes hand-in-hand with the Halloween theme.

In case you haven’t figured out already, I’m talking about Dead Trigger 2. Yep, the sequel to what I like to call one of the best zombie shooter mobile games has been revealed and teased for quite some time, but recently the developers took it up a notch and announced the exact Dead Trigger 2 release date. Join us after the break for more info.


Dead Trigger 2 – Release Date, Gameplay Trailer and Other Details
Dead Trigger 2 – Release Date and More

Without keeping you guys and girls in suspense, Madfinger Games has recently announced that Dead Trigger 2 will go on sale, on the Play Store, on October 23. To celebrate this announcement and to keep us even more interested, the developers have also released the opening cutscene of the game, which you will find below.

As for the main features of the game itself, we’re told that Dead Trigger 2 has pushed the graphics to the limit, delivering realistic water reflections, dynamic light projectors, dynamic shadows and dynamic grass, as well as per-pixel lighting and advanced ragdoll physics. The game will be Tegra 4-optimized, but it won’t be limited to the Nvidia Shield and Tegra Note devices only. Any modern Android gadget will be able to run this beast. However, we’re not sure about how many of the aforementioned graphical enhancements will make it on other chipsets.

Last but not least, Madfinger Games claims that the game-world will change based on the actions of the players. In other words, while the game doesn’t deliver what we’d normally call a “multiplayer experience” on a PC shooter game, each player’s single-player session will supposedly help to shape the game world. The game world itself will take place in a simulated “Eart”, where humans and zombies fight each other for supremacy. The action will take place world-wide and players will have the opportunity to fight “local” zombies in Shanghai, London or Africa’s deserts.

Interested? Will you join us in the fight against the zombie hordes? Eagerly awaiting for the Dead Trigger 2 release date? Let us know in the comments section.


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